Thursday, November 6, 2008

Juan F. Perea and Richard Rodriguez readings

In the excerpt from Los Olvidados, Juan Perea, compares or describes invisibility as an illness or death. He says that the United States is trying to take away their culture and the way of life, making them "invisible." For example, the United States prohibits spanish and would not even make New Mexico a state until the country was predominantly spanish. In this excerpt, he describes the "indvisible people" as the Latinos in the United States. The United States makes them invisible by assimilating them to the American culture and not letting them use the spanish language. Juan sees public language as a need for the society to experience different cultures.
In the excerpt from Hunger of Memory, Richard Rodriguez, believes that he was at a disadvantage when he was not taught two languages. He thinks thta it would be harder for someone to learn a second language when they were older. He talks about how afraid he is when nobody speaks Spanish like he does. He feels like if everybody would just be bilingual and learn spanish also that it would be a better transition. In this case Richard did not transition well to the assimilation of American society and he believes that assimilating takes away apart of your individuality.

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